AX100 2025
Innovator, groundbreakers, trailblazers all have something in common: They have had the courage to traverse a path not often taken. But who stands ahead of these superlatives? In the age of customer experience (CX) and employee experience (EX), those pathfinders are called the AX100. This conclave of CX/EX leadership has seen beyond the comfort of the status quo to deliver growth through strategies that span both employee and customer’s experiences.
Those inducted into this 2025 class of CX/EX leadership share these common traits:
- Bravery in breaking barriers and championing authentic experiences for all
- A willingness to explore and experiment, especially with new engagement forms and formats
- Mindset that thinking outside the box is still too limiting
- Activating and advancing engagements that start with data and advance durable, profitable relationships
- Recognizing and respecting that the customer calls the shots
- Celebrating that internal teams are internal customers that also demand care and feeding
- Driving bottom line impacts by empowering employees to deliver the experiences that matter to the customer and the business
- Advancing the CX/EX conversation from isolated functional greatness to organization wide change