About This Constellation ShortList™

One of the most common refrains in modern business is the question: “Could this meeting be an email?” With all kidding aside, time has become a limited resource, and executives are actively seeing tools and solutions that answer the question of meeting value. Meetings—both in person and online—remain one of the most important components of teamwork. As business enters a new phase of culture building, navigating shifts like return to office and a redefinition of hybrid work and collaboration, the humble meeting becomes central to change. Meetings should enable people to discuss ideas, make decisions, develop relationships and forge culture regardless of where these gatherings occur.

Interestingly, this category of augmented meeting services has evolved from being a mechanism for note taking and summarization and into an offering that can layer over the top of both digital and live meetings to address common difficulties that can most often be summarized as failings in experience. These vendors are not seeking to host or deliver digital experiences but rather enhance the experience by bridging the gaps across preparation, delivery and post-meeting follow up and action. This is where AI is totally reshaping the space and intentionally connecting meeting services to a larger business driving motion.

Technologies like AI and augmented reality (AR) are stepping beyond “cool” or novel features that proved to be distractions in early applications. Instead, immersive and automated tools and opportunities for ambient workflows are reshaping where and how data and work advances beyond individual meetings. Among the core capabilities customers are seeking in augmented meeting services include analyzing for optimal scheduling, automating notetaking, summarization and establishing workflows around task assignments, to using facial recognition for sentiment analysis, recommendations for real-time engagement and collaboration recommendations while capturing knowledge and intelligence for strategic knowledge capture.

Threshold Criteria

Constellation considers the following criteria for these solutions:

  • Administrative controls
  • Ease of setup, scheduling, meeting delivery and post-meeting summary, follow up and follow through
  • Analytics/metrics/usage dashboards (personal-, teamand meeting-specific) 
  • Collaboration end to end starting with smart group scheduling, pre-meeting content preparation, annotation and sharing, in-meeting messaging, chat and annotation, real-time commenting, question documentation and reactions
  • GenerativeAI enhancements including translation and localization
  • Meeting intelligence from audience and attendee recognition, sentiment analysis from real time feedback
  • Post meeting automation support and engagement capabilities should include assignment tracking, automated summaries, recommended next steps, future meeting scheduling, knowledge capture
  • Integration with core business applications and systems of work including calendar, enterprise project/ task management, corporate goal tracking, customer relationship management (CRM) and customer data platforms
  • Templating for meeting preparation including agenda, meeting goal setting by team and individuals, participant profiles and selection, background material preparation, content collaboration and sharing, meeting logistics management including facility/equipment booking, digital link sharing and hybrid location management for connected live and digital experience
  • Security: access roles, administration roles, encryption

The Constellation ShortList™

Constellation evaluates more than 30 solutions in this market. This Constellation ShortList is determined by client inquiries, partner conversations, customer references, vendor selection projects, market share and internal research.


Frequency of Evaluation

Each Constellation ShortList is updated at least once per year. Updates may occur after six months if deemed necessary.

Evaluation Services

Constellation clients can work with the analyst and the research team to conduct a more thorough discussion of this ShortList. Constellation can also provide guidance in vendor selection and contract negotiation.

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