
Three large health plans have gone live with on Oracle Siebel thorough a software-as-a-service SaaS company called benefitalign Benefitalign provides on-line health insurance market connecting more than a million consumers to health insurance plans. Three of its major customers include

  • AvMed Health Plans with 300,000 members in Florida; 
  • Optima Health, with 450,000 members in Virginia;
  • University of Arizona's Health Plans (UAHP) with 150,000 members.

Benefitalign, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Speridian Technologies, a consulting firm specializing in Oracle Siebel.

"Our solution was developed at the right time, with the win-win of member-relations and cost-savings in mind," said Girish Panicker, Chairman and CEO of Speridian Technologies. 

Panicker, a native of India who grew up in Mumbai, has lived in the United States for many years and is now a U.S. citizen. Speridian has offices in Washington, DC, Albuquerque, NM and Irvine, CA in the United States and in India and Dubai.

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