May 12, 2024

Monday's Musings: Margin Compression - Tech Vendors Are You Leading The Way Or In The Way?

Technologies for the enterprise have often been seen as enablers for disruption and change.  Over the past five decades as one technology or vendor would come to prominence and dominate a market, challengers would apply new technologies or business models to topple the legacy market and create new markets.  Silicon Valley built its credibility on these disruptive market entrants.  This cycle would continue to repeat itself until the next challenger became the market leader and struggle to hold on to its lead while meeting the demands of investors and the market.

August 13, 2023

Monday's Musings: Time To Focus On Revenue Platforms, Not Piecemeal "RevOps"

Every Enterprise and Brand Is Focused On Revenue Growth While Trying To Achieve Operational Efficiency

There has never been a greater focus on revenue, however, Chief Revenue Officers (CROs) face a dual mandate.  On one hand, they must continue to find growth and revenue, on the other hand, leaders must balance operational efficiency and reduced budgets.  Constellation's recent CXO Business Confidence Survey highlights how all CXO's face this dual mandate over the next 18 to 24 months.