Executive Summary

Nearly all industries are being disrupted by multiple factors these days. Big changes such as the shifts to subscription/retention economic models, the impact of AI, and the need to deal with rising costs have necessitated a new perspective on growth. No longer can B2B organizations look solely to sales and marketing as the bastion for growth. Instead, a wider view of growth is needed—one in which all customer-facing departments contribute in a more reliable and scalable manner to overall lift. 

Innovative enterprises already have started rethinking organizational structures and creating C-suite roles that take a more holistic view of growth. Others must follow suit, because the traditional siloed approach to revenue is ill-suited for today’s business requirements. Today businesses must think “full journey” and engage in and take advantage of potential revenue opportunities all along the customer lifecycle in ways they never addressed as standard operations. RevOps teams must be elevated into more strategic roles, led by a chief growth officer (CGO). 

CGOs need to have a specific skill set and must take a critical, wider view of growth that comes from all phases of the customer journey. Their remit must be wide, and they must be empowered to rethink key go-to-market (GTM) processes and be change agents in reshaping company culture toward orchestrated engagement across the full customer journey. 
AI and other technologies will support these transformations, but they are neither the actual driver of the need for change nor “magic bullets” that make this substantial transformation an easy one. 
Throughout this Big Idea report, Constellation Research outlines why businesses need to rethink growth strategies, how they can build an office of the CGO, and why they need to get started on reimagining approaches to growth from a full-journey perspective. Finally, the report provides some key questions for early adopters to ask about their revenue operations to create some baselines in starting their own growth strategy transformation. 

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