Executive Summary

The revenue platforms market continues to evolve rapidly. This is due to several factors—namely that most businesses are continuing to transform their business models to better support a “retention-focused” economy and that businesses must rethink their growth strategies in the wake of this development. Revenue platforms, which previously focused solely on sales actions, need to accommodate more stakeholders along the journey, including customer-success in addition to other postsale departments.

This means that revenue platforms are evolving to include more datasets, and data sources, to better support a full-journey approach to growth. In addition, the workflow capabilities need to expand to support more end-to-end processes and experiences—incorporating task management that spans Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, and Customer Success. 

And finally, just as in many other sectors, artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the game. AI can bring more predictive insights to revenue teams as well as streamline productivity by automating many of the more mundane and low-impact actions sellers and other revenue stakeholders perform on a daily basis. Also, generative AI (GenAI) tools can help build revenue platforms into more intelligent full-journey tools that ideally help better orchestrate engagement in such a way that no potential growth opportunities get lost in the shuffle. 

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