Three Imperatives for Innovating with Cloud BI and AnalyticsMake the Most of Cloud Advantages and External Data to Create Deep Insight and Innovation 


The center of gravity for data is steadily shifting toward external sources, including cloud-based applications and infrastructure. But that does not mean that future success is a simple matter of switching to cloud-based business intelligence (BI) and analysis options to examine cloud-based data. Instead, the idea is to take advantage of cloud flexibility, ubiquity, architecture and standards to span silos, support important new analyses and surpass the old barriers of BI. 

This report explores three imperatives that Constellation sees as crucial to future BI and analytics initiatives. First, even if you don’t rip and replace legacy BI systems, take advantage of cloud-based options to analyze growing cloud-based data sources and to deliver insights to remote workers, partners or customers. Second, embrace external data sources to create data-enrichment, personalization and insight services. Third, increase innovation by using data-driven insights to produce new value and to power new business models. The research includes a listing of cloud-based BI and analytics options to consider as well as recommendations on how to move forward on data-to- decisions projects. 

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