Arcadia Data Marketshare Case StudyCase Study: Arcadia Data and MarketShare


MarketShare Taps a Hadoop-Native Analysis Option to Drive Deeper Analysis and Big Data ROI 

MarketShare, a Neustar solution, helps marketers make better decisions faster and to increase sales and gain market share on a global scale. At the center of MarketShare services are data-driven prescriptive recommendations derived from descriptive and predictive insights based on Big Data analysis. 

By mid-2014, MarketShare recognized that its data-analysis approach needed to evolve. The company wanted dynamic, rather than pre-defined, reporting capabilities. It also wanted the ability to drill down to the raw-data details on individual customer interactions. In place of the scale-constrained relational database and data-analysis tools it was using, MarketShare implemented Arcadia Data in early 2015. A Hadoop-native visual analytics and BI platform, Arcadia Data enabled the company to deliver relevant data and customized reports more quickly and easily, while also better supporting client-specific querying down to the level of individual customer interactions 

MarketShare runs Arcadia Data as a service on its cloud-based Altiscale Hadoop instance. This case study documents the experience of MarketShare in its migration to Arcadia Data, a visual analytics and BI platform that runs natively on Hadoop. 

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