Thank You For Your Support generated almost 10 million page views in 2012 (see Figure 1).  This does not include syndication through Constellation Research, Forbes (discontinued in 2012), Enterprise Irregulars, Computerworld UK, and other great media partners.

Figure 1.  Software Insider Achieved 9.8M Page Views for 2012

Classic Posts Address The Key Fundamentals In The Disruptive Technology Shift

Four posts have made the all time favorite list and address the 5 consumer technology forces that influence enterprise software.

  1. Monday’s Musings: How The Five Consumer Tech Macro Pillars Influence Enterprise Software Innovation
  2. Research Report: The 18 Use Cases of Social CRM and The New Rules of Relationship Management
  3. Tuesday’s Tip: Understanding the Many Flavors of Cloud Computing
  4. Best Practices: Five Simple Rules for Social Business

2012 Top 40 Reflects A Broader Shift To Business Outcomes And Technology Adoption

Analyst Relations and the World of Influence - The top blog post of 2013 discussed the future of the industry analyst versus legacy analyst firms.

Consumerization of Technology and The New C-Suite – The impact of technology on the C-suite has never been greater.  As business strategy relies more on technology, CMOs, CFOs, and other line of business heads can expect to work more closely with the CIOs and CTOs.

Data to Decisions- Big data took the market by storm in 2012.  2013 will be more about how to go from data to decisions as organizations hope to move from insight to decision management.

Digital Marketing Transformation- The shift to digital from analog has hit marketing.  How CMO’s move to support new digital marketing techniques focus on the technology and policies required for success.

The Future of Work - Where you work, what you work on, when you work, and why you work are changing.  A key area has been social business and the impact on performance and getting work done.

Matrix Commerce – A new paradigm has shifted around the buyer.  These buyer centric models drive the future of commerce as payment options, channels, demand signals, supply chains, frictionless enablers, and big data converge.

Next Generation Customer Experience – An overwhelming series of posts focused on transforming customer experiences.  This new world of customer experience is changing expectations and influencing customer interactions.

Tech Optimization and Innovation – Saving money on the cost of technology ownership drove most of the top posts for 2013.

Technology Policy and Channels – The Washington Ideas Forum garnered the most interest along with consumer privacy.

Mergers and Acquisitions – Kana, Oracle and IFS acquisitions raised the most interest in 2012.

Executive Profiles – Brad Smith of Intuit and Randy Guard of SAS Institute took top slots in these profiles on Cloud Computing and Social Business.

Your POV.

What was your favorite post of 2012?  Are you ready for 2013? Submit for the 2013 SuperNova Awards at SuperNovaAwards (at) ConstellationRG (dot) com

Add your comments to the blog or send us a comment at R (at) SoftwareInsider (dot) org or R (at) ConstellationRG (dot) com

Please let us know if you need help with developing your disruptive technology adoption strategy.


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