Executive Summary

Introduced in 2009, Zoho Analytics was one of the earliest analytics and business intelligence (BI) products to be offered as a cloud-based service. In keeping with Zoho’s ethos of delivering value-leading technology, Zoho Analytics instantly stood out as the most affordable analytics and BI offering on the market. Customer demand led to the introduction of marketplace offerings on multiple public clouds. Customers also wanted more-sophisticated capabilities, which led to the introduction of an optional data prep module and add-on artificial intelligence (AI)–powered augmented analytics capabilities.

Today Zoho Analytics is used by more than 16,000 organizations. Tight integration with Zoho applications such as Zoho CRM is one appeal of the product, yet roughly 10,000 organizations are using the product stand-alone, with no other Zoho applications. 

This Offering Overview provides an in-depth look at Zoho Analytics and why it’s rapidly gaining adoption, identifies key differentiators, examines functional capabilities, considers the offering’s strengths and weaknesses, and provides use cases. Technology buyers should use this report to evaluate Zoho Analytics for implementation.  




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