About This Constellation ShortList™

With close to 750 million people living in Europe, double the amount of North America, the European talent management market reached a notable size. It features some unique characteristics. For instance, the unfavorable aging dynamics in many European coun- tries increase the competition for talent and require a new approach for talent management best practices. At the same time, European legislative bodies are not standing still when it comes to regulations, especially privacy-related legislations, including the effects and rami- fications of GDPR. All of this creates a unique breeding ground and market for talent management in Europe, where European-based CxOs look for local vendors that understand these dynamics.

Artificial Intelligence is changing enterprise automation substantially and HCM is no exception. Vendors need to have enabled AI based automation in at least three of the five key HCM automation areas – with tangible success. To enable customers to uptake AI as well, vendors need to upgrade their Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) capabilities with respect to AI.

Threshold Criteria

Constellation considers the following criteria for these solutions:

  • More than 1000 production installs
  • At least four or more talent management functions generally available
  • Bulk of business conducted in Europe (over 66%)
  • European-based headquarters
  • Support for at least seven European countries from a legislative compliance perspective
  • Support for at least fifteen European languages out of the box
  • Representation in at least seven European countries (possible through partnerships, but corporate presence scores higher)  

The Constellation ShortList™

Constellation evaluates more than 15 solutions categorized in this market. The Constellation ShortList is determined by client inquiries, partner conversations, customer references, vendor selection projects, market share and internal research.


Frequency of Evaluation

Each Constellation ShortList is updated at least once per year. Updates may occur after six months if deemed necessary.

Evaluation Services

Constellation clients can work with the analyst and the research team to conduct a more thorough discussion of this ShortList. Constellation can also provide guidance in vendor selection and contract negotiation.

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