Foundational Elements for the Internet of Things (IoT)Defining and setting the primers for IoT, gaining business value, from real-time data events


This report offers a comprehensive primer of the IoT market, providing a solid foundation for companies to fully understand the definition and foundational technology of IoT. To harness the new insights made available by IoT, each organization needs a holistic IoT strategy, not one focused on singular aspects of IoT. 

To define IoT in full, organizations must understand the four key characteristics that create a new layer over the existing Internet and Web capabilities - Intelligent, Connect, Interactive and Autonomous, along with the time frames required by different types of smart services – Quasi Real Time, Near Real Time and Transactional Time. Leaders must understand the foundational technologies enabling IoT to come to life, including fog computing, graph databases, event engines/hubs, complex event processing, Last Mile architecture, APIs and industry protocols – all of which are fully described and explained in this report. 

Moreover, the report highlights where the industry is headed and which vendors and consortiums will set the foundation for the next generation of IoT. Market leaders or fast followers can use this report to plan their reactions and define their competitive benefits by addressing the four main business-strategic areas – Improve, Innovate, Partner and Disrupt. 

This report sets the tone of the disruptive factor of IoT for a series of reports across Constellation Research’s different areas of coverage, starting with methods for successful IoT workshops. 

Purpose & Intent: 

This report is intended to provide an overview of the technology and business capabilities of the Internet of Things (IoT), a new competitive market disruptor that builds on the ever-increasing number of devices connected to the Internet and the data from those devices. While much has been written and predicted about the size and scale that IoT will achieve, the majority of those who will be impacted by or seek to gain unique competitive advantage through the use of IoT know little about it and its true value. 

Market leaders and fast followers will understand the foundational technologies of IoT and how businesses can gain value and competitive advantage from real-time data events. 

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