A new Constellation "Big Idea" report has just been published, written by me, and covers the topic of "Why Every Organization Needs to rethink its Growth Strategy in the Age of AI." And I know, it sounds pretty heavy and ominous - but I do believe most organizations are working from outdated and/or incomplete approaches to planning for growth. 

Today, nearly all industries are being disrupted by multiple factors. Big changes such as the shifts to subscription/retention economic models, the impact of AI, and the need to deal with rising costs have necessitated a new perspective on growth. Meanwhile, customer expectations are changing - and they are not asking but rather expecting or demanding that you meet them where and when they want. No longer can B2B organizations look solely to sales and marketing as the bastion for growth. Instead, a wider view of growth is needed—one in which all customer-facing departments contribute in a more reliable and scalable manner to overall lift.

And while we have amended our service/product delivery models to meet these changes, even created "customer success" departments and motions to support them - there is still a huge gap in how high level growth strategies account for these new realities. That has to change. 

In this report - I explain the big "Why" in terms of all of these disruptions and drivers, and why taking an approach to growth that incorporates a "full journey" approach pays off in terms of more profitable, scalable growth. To meet these changes, this report highlights the need for a new C-suite member: the Chief Growth Officer (CGO) - a role/committee with a more strategic position and perspective. While CROs and CMOs have important roles, often their remit and the metrics they use for success are rarely aligned with actual full journey orchestration that supports a modern growth strategy. Supporting the CGO, revOps teams are ascending into "GrowthOps" departments - elevating the middle office from more tactical "deal desk" support to more proactive, strategic stakeholders. RevOps has a unique position in terms of having a "crow's nest view" of go-to-market operations, and can be more strategic and process-optimization oriented while sales, marketing and support/success leaders are often too much in the tactical weeds to think long-term strategy. 

And while AI is a major catalyst and accelerator when it comes to modernizing approaches to growth - it is not THE driver. The disruptions and challenges faciung growth leaders predates this AI revolution - but the good news is that growth leaders can leverage AI to reimagine growth strategies faster, and with less heavy lifting than ever before. In the report we delve into some go-to-market use cases and where AI can be applied with the least effort, to drive the most results. 

The report also offers up four elements of a modern growth strategy - and how your organization cana dopt them. Finally, the report provides 10 key questions to ask when rethinking your growth strategies - delving into critical issues that can assit any organization wherever they may be on their growth journey. 

This report is available now for Constellation clients in our Research Library. if you are not a client and interested in accessing the report, you can contact us at [email protected] to learn how.