At a Glance
This report provides an overview of how Nutanix Cloud Platform has evolved to become a full-fledged next-generation computing platform. Nutanix has a long tradition making workloads portable, with the introduction of the AOS (Acropolis Operating System) as far back as 2011.
Since then, Nutanix has steadily expanded the reach and capability of Nutanix Cloud Platform, expanding on all dimensions from both product and licensing as well as a partner ecosystem perspective. The result is a platform that provides what CxOs require the most: Identicality of the technology stacks in both the cloud and on-premises. Higher Identicality means higher workload portability between the supported platforms.
Additional vendor offerings covered in the Constellation Market Overview are (in alphabetical order): AWS Outposts, Google Anthos, IBM Cloud Private and IBM Satellite, Microsoft Azure Stack, and Oracle Cloud@Customer. Also of note for readers may be the recent Offering Overview of Mirantis Docker Enterprise Container Cloud.