Executive Summary

Most enterprises today are not set up to handle IT-related incidents, or crises, in real time. The classic legacy enterprises are set up to deal with IT incidents in old-fashioned ITIL ways, without considering the cloud, software-as-a-service (SaaS) nuances, or the social media venting by customers. Newer digital-native companies do not put much emphasis on digital incident management.


Especially with the need and demand for “always-on,” there are more opportunities than ever for things to break, and incidents do not wait for a convenient time. Problems can, and often do, happen on weekends, holidays, or weeknights when no one is paying attention. To be properly prepared when an incident happens, an enterprise must be in the position to immediately identify, assess, manage, solve, and effectively communicate the situation to customers, stakeholders, and (for major incidents) senior management.

This report outlines the primary incident management trends that Constellation Research has observed for 2022, based on conversations with IT executives in enterprises that successfully and easily manage major digital incidents. Effectively managing major incidents with ease lets your customers know you are prepared for them and can handle situations in the future, and it instills confidence in your offerings and brand.


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