Executive Summary

Tray.io provides the Tray Automation Platform, a cloud-based integration platform as a service (iPaaS). The platform’s strengths are in no-code/low-code application integration, data integration, and process automation that is accessible to nonengineers. The platform is built on cloud-native, serverless technology to ensure rapid scaling and elasticity without administrative burdens. Ease of use ensures that integrations can be created and managed by reasonably tech-savvy users within business units and departments. Built-in collaboration features keep teams in the loop, and governance features provide compliance guardrails.
This Offering Overview evaluates Tray.io and the Tray Automation Platform. It identifies key differentiators, examines functional capabilities, considers the offering’s strengths and weaknesses, and provides use cases. Technology buyers should use this report to evaluate Tray.io for implementation.

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