With all the recent industry events and holidays, DisrupTV featured guests to share insights that align with these big themes, including HIMSS, IBM Think, Valentine’s Day, Leadership, AI and more!

Providing Better Patient Care through Data and Exponential Medicine

When it comes to healthcare, the industry has historically been slower to adopt the latest technologies due to strict regulations and outdated processes. Dr. Daniel Kraft, Chair for Medicine at Singularity University and Founder of Exponential Medicine, shared some of the big shifts happening in the industry.

With the increase of AI, wearables and analytics, these technologies can drastically change the type of care given to patients. Rather than filling out forms at each visit, the consistent data gives doctors a better indication of the issues based on long-term data rather than what’s going on at that exact moment when the patient is in the office or hospital. Unfortunately, the data is pretty siloed, so there’s still a long way to go. As we continue to connect the dots, there’s a big opportunity to go from curing to preventing by catching diseases before it’s too late or even before it develops.

With all the new, disruptive technology being tested, there was also a great discussion on the skillsets needed for the future doctors, nurses and other medical professionals. Will they need to learn coding? App development? Tech will not replace us, but it’s time to “upskill” and become multi-disciplinarians.

Deciphering the Power Genes

Wait, what genes? While we didn’t talk about healthcare and genetics, Maggie Craddock, President of Workplace Relationships and Author of “Power Genes: Understanding Your Power Persona--and How to Wield It,” shared some important leadership lessons. By understanding power styles, leaders can learn their emotional strengths and weaknesses to determine the best ways to manage and avoid self-sabotaging behaviors or power struggles. She covered storytelling, emotional instincts, career paths and workplace cultures. Be sure to check out the full interview for some fantastic advice for becoming a stronger leader.  

Jobs of Tomorrow and the Power of AI

The show transitioned into discussing the future of work and the impact of AI across all industries. The show caught up with Byron Reese, CEO and Publisher at Gigaom and author of “The Fourth Age.” While AI and technology may be disrupting organizations and forcing career shifts, he doesn’t believe we will lose jobs based on it. It will create new opportunities for different types of jobs.

“Can everybody do a job that is better or harder than what they do today?” The answer is yes.

Machines can’t do everyone’s jobs, and as long as we continue to educate and upskill our workforce, new jobs and opportunities will be opened with the technology assisting or augmenting the way we do business. The hope is that this provides better value, helps us find smarter outcomes based on data, and makes our work lives easier by assisting us in the monotonous tasks.  

This is just a small glimpse at the great advice shared during the show. Please check out the full discussions in the video replay here or the podcast.

Tune in every week for DisrupTV, hosted by Vala Afshar and R “Ray” Wang, on Fridays 11 AM PT/2 PM ET. Tomorrow is bright! Technology can transform leaders, teams, organizations and industries.


DisrupTV Episode 137, Dr. Daniel Kraft, Maggie Craddock, Byron Reese from Constellation Research on Vimeo.