Transform the Voice of the Customer into Positive Action
Surveys are pervasive, occurring across all customer channels. Brands collect huge amounts of customer information through their survey processes and operational metrics, but this does not necessarily help them improve customer advocacy. Although there is a wealth of data on customer opinions, brands need an easy way to make this data actionable. Many brands miss the mark with outmoded types of surveys that require a long processing time, manual effort and experts to analyze. Automating customer feedback with high performance software offers valuable insight and identifies the customers' experiences across the entire lifecycle of products and services. Its predictive analytics identify risk factors and help companies reduce customer churn. As brands strive to improve customer engagement, they should consider deploying customer feedback management tools, so anyone in their organization can easily check the status of customers any minute of every day. All departments within an organization benefit with immediate and easy access to reports that provide actionable customer insight.
This Quark discusses how to capture the customer's voice to gain valuable information that can be turned into steps to improve products and services.