- DisrupTV
DisrupTV is a weekly Web series with hosts R "Ray" Wang and Vala Afshar. The show airs live at 11:00 a.m. PT/ 2:00 p.m. ET every Friday. The audience can expect A-list guests, the latest enterprise news, hot startups, insight from influencers, and much more. Tweet questions to #DisrupTV or @DisrupTVShow. We broadcast live on Zoom.
Show Link: https://www.youtube.com/user/ConstellationR
Featured Guests:
Chantelle Baier
Founder/Managing Partner
Chantelle Baier, Founder of 4SPACE, presents a unique combination of creativity, contacts, and out of the box thinking. In the non-linear world that exists today, this type of structuring and planning is necessary. 4SPACE was formed in 2018 to provide a structured vehicle that merges this new thinking, talents, and assets effectively to address the radical changes that we have experienced and those that will be forthcoming.
4SPACE is the facilitator and creator of public/private partnerships in the exploration of Space. 4SPACE is driving commercialization of space to become a sustainable economic driver with the direct benefit of advancements to our planet and humanity. With strong knowledge, capabilities, and ties into the Space Industry and in-depth knowledge of how to better serve each brand and how to partner it with experiments that are on-going at NASA, International Space Station, and more.
4SPACE brings forth a breadth of technologies and innovations in the Space Industry has that can address corporation needs by uniting, utilizing, and thinking forward. 4SPACE partners technologies from both On-Earth, and Off-Earth to spear up innovations, exclusive insight, and competitive edge.
Ms. Baier’s leadership is recognized by her service on numerous boards to include Moon Village Association, AIAA Technical Committee, HP’s Mars Home Planet Advisory Panel, Yuri’s Night Special Relations, and Orange County Children’s Book Festival Committee. She currently holds a senior executive position on the National Space Society’s Board of Directors serving as Director as well as the Creative Director. In this capacity, she stands at the vanguard towards creating a reality where everyday citizens leverage the vast resources of space to thrive in communities beyond Earth, creating technologies and capabilities for the betterment of humanity.
Ms. Baier has created a S.P.A.R.K. (Space Play Art Robotic Knowledge) educational program which highlights her drive to impact kids and bring innovation to the forefront of our future. After 3 successful years at the Ad Astra School, (Elon Musk’s private school), Ms. Baier believes it will be the children that drive our thriving economies in space.
Ms. Baier holds professional backgrounds in areas of science, fashion, and space.
Follow her company on Twitter: @nss
Mark Levy
EX Advisor, and Pioneer of Experience Leader
Mark is a seasoned globally minded Employee Experience Leader who has chosen to work for big hearted companies and focus on how he and his team can unleash the talents and passions of a company’s employees. Early in his career, he worked with the likes of Best Buy, Levi Strauss & Company and Gap Inc. partnering with business leaders to support their HR needs including innovative ways to create a learning organization and ensure integration between work and life. Mark also spent two years living and working in Paris, France for Thomson/Technicolor.
Mark was the pioneer of designing the Employee Experience at Airbnb, which has since created significant changes in the way organizations globally are looking at expanding the HR function to focus on the entire employee journey. Glassdoor recognized Mark and his team’s work by naming them the #1 Place to Work in 2016.
Mark has taken his learnings to advise companies, from start ups to large global brands, on how to evolve from HR to Employee Experience, how to create an integrated internal and external brand, how to bring the mission and values to life, and how to create a greater connection between the company and their employees, between employees, with the company’s customers, as well as the communities in which they operate through social impact.
Follow him on Twitter: @Levymarkj
Jay Jacobs
SVP, Head of Research & Strategy
Global X ETFs ($18B+ AUM)
Prior to joining Global X, Jacobs was a business analyst at the NYSE in the ETF and Indexing Group, where he helped launch hundreds of new ETFs on the NYSE Arca trading platform. He is a CFA charterholder, holds a bachelor’s degree from Emory University in international studies, and studied at The London School of Economics.
Follow him on Twitter: @JayJacobsCFA