David Nordfors is the CEO and co-founder i4j Innovation forJobs, a virtual thinktank and community of thought leaders, together with Vint Cerf. In their book "The People Centered Economy - The New Ecosystem for Work" he explains why innovating better livelihoods for people is the biggest market waiting to happen.
He was previously the co-founding executive director of the Center for Innovation and Communication at Stanford University,a co-founding director of a Swedish-Israeli R&D fund for mobile services supporting 20 consortia. As director of an innovation foundation he administrated an endowment of >$300M. He screened and supported over 100 quality controlled R&D projects between industry and colleges for >$50M. He designed and oversaw all communication strategies. He has been publisher and editor. He is regularly invited as an expert to the World Economic Forum and was one of the WEF innovation 100 in 2009. He is a adjunct/visiting professor in Estonia, Israel, Germany and Mexico. He has a PhD. in computational physics and electron specroscopy.
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