Darcy Paul is an attorney with more than 20 years of experience representing clients in business litigation disputes and commercial transactions. He has served as Mayor of Cupertino three times, and was elected to the Cupertino City Council in 2014 and 2018 before terming out of office. A graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Law School, he was editor-in-chief of academic research-focused science and law-and-technology publications while earning his degrees.

Originally a patent litigator prior to his time as an elected official, Darcy’s continuing fields of professional and civic interests intersect where issues of trust and responsibility meet societal implications from current potentially paradigm-shifting yet very complex and step-wise advances in the ways that we conduct basic approaches to the law. As such, he looks forward, as always, to an ongoing intelligent and carefully considered conversation about what we should do now to shape the value that industries add and, importantly, preserve, for future generations.