20+ years of working with or for non-profit organizations. In addition to ASAE and The Center for Association Leadership:
One year project with the Public Education Fund Network where his duties included providing technology and management consulting to the Network's members, planning and managing the Network's major educational events including the 1994 Annual Meeting, and speaking engagements around the country about public education. Major accomplishment during this engagement was participating in the development of the Fund’s Center for Organizational Development, a capacity building curriculum for public education funds and foundations.
Manager in the Information Technology Group of Grant Thornton for three years - specialized in consulting to associations on the use of technology, marketing strategies, board-staff relationships, and dues modeling and staff structures.
Co-founded and managed the management consulting firm Henry, Kinnelly and Associates, a management consulting firm
Speaks regularly on technology issues. His most recent speaking engagements include the 2012 NAHB Association Leadership Institute, 2012 ASAE Annual Meeting, 2012 Global INET Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, 2012 SCSAE Annual Trade Show, AICPA 2012 Commfood Program, 2012 U.S. Chamber of Commerce Institute Program, 2011 ASAE Technology Conference.
Invitedin In 2009 by the Secretary of Smithsonian to participate in Smithsonian 2.0, a Gathering to Re-Imagine the Smithsonian in the Digital Age.
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