Can you imagine your life without the Internet? Hell, no! That's why I help businesses build awesome digital products that improve the way we live. And these days, it’s more and more about Data, Analytics and AI/ML.

After multi-year stints in Europe and the US, in June 2017 I joined Nestlé in its Barcelona Global IT Hub to scale up strategic emerging technologies, largely based on AI, and in January 2022 took on a Group Head role to accelerate Nestlé R&D's digital transformation through tech enablement and a strong focus on Data, Analytics and AI, for which I relocated again, this time to Switzerland. Strategy + Product + Delivery + Customer focus + Culture + Team. Not necessarily in this order.

Mix of analytical thinker, creative soul, techie and communicator, my background is strategy, development and delivery of technology products and services, both B2B and B2C. I've worked for telco & networks, healthcare, automotive, mobility, and consumer packaged goods industries.

I've also worked in large and small companies, including startups, and have built and led high-performing teams. I've been spending quite some time lately teaching and mentoring as well in universities (Open University of Catalonia, Barcelona Tech School, Technical University of Catalonia), business schools (ESADE) and the European Innovation Council.

In a past life I did a lot of applied research in tech, publishing 70+ papers and 1 patent and speaking in many international conferences and events. I love the thrill of pitching and how on-the-fly questions make you think on your feet, and fast. I currently pitch about transformation and AI, with 70+ engagements in the last 3 years.

Outside of work you can find me spending time with my kids, reading sci-fi and helping other women grow. And, definitely, someday soon I will get back to playing music. Promised ;) Until then, find me on Spotify under Bellevue.