Jul 17, 2013 1:19pm PDT

Defrag is the first conference focused solely on the internet-based tools that transform loads of information into layers of knowledge and accelerate the “aha” moment.


Omni Interlocken Resort in Denver (Broomfield), Colorado


November 14-15, 2012


Two days of the best thinkers, builders and starters in this growing community.

Who Should Attend:

-Technologists and Evangelists-CxOs-Entrepreneurs-Business Strategists-VPs of Business Development-Implementers of Technology-VCs and Analysts-Web Strategists-Web Developers-Community Developers


Because we believe that this is the next big, exciting, hairy idea in technology.

The Future of Identity
Nov 4, 2013
9:45am - 10:15am

Identity often means many things to many people for good reasons. Traditional definitions of identity for the identity and access management professional have revolved around standards for authentication, access, authorization, and management.

While standards such as SAML, Open ID, OAuth 2.0 address the technical side, the rise of consumer and enterprise social networks has spawned a consumer identity that reflects a digital ubiquity of the individual. Facebook, Google, and Twitter now dominate most social logins. Users expect their identity to be transportable from personal to work environments.

However, a limitation exists between personal and work worlds. In fact, the facets of one’s identity remain isolated and separated by not only our digital and analog presence, but also by our inability to deliver context across our worlds. Why? The lack of context separates our personal life from our work life and creates artificial barriers by role, relationship, and a host of other factors.

The reality – identity plays a multi-faceted role for each individual. The business implications of identity after authentication, authorization, access, and availability touch on commerce, work lives, personal lives, and engagement with each other. Without a more comprehensive view of identity, organization and individuals will continue to undermine the strategic role of identity in the context of business. Identity is a unifying factor in the current transformation to a digital world.